2017 sees an important milestone for our company reaching its 65th anniversary.

In 1952 the sole proprietorship company began operating in the field of galvanic treatments and metal finishing. Over 65 years, Consonni Srl, has achieved many results and faced many challenges.

Over time,  Consonni Srl  has focused on a policy of diversification of the production of galvanic treatments. A policy that has led to offering its customers a wide range of processing on all kinds of metals, as well as on-site processing.

Research and innovation, optimization of yields and maximization of efficiency are the driving force that has made it possible to anticipate market demands and meet the expectations of many customers.

Over the years, the company has provided itself with a well-equipped laboratory of analysis to ensure quality of the work, withparticular attention  to the reduction of the environmental impact and to the safety of the working environment.

The celebrations have began with special attention on the awards received, the projects carried out and the recognition to all the staff of workers who, with passion and competence, have allowed our company to be there for 65 years without interruption.
